Yeah, so training an email replying model really helps. I can still read everything before I send, but the model does most of the drafting, so there’s that. And there’s also about the design of our ministry. Our ministry really is three very different parts that will belong to at least two different ministries. In almost all other jurisdictions in the ministry proper, we concern ourselves with universal broadband access, satellite connectivity, one web, and things like that, universal service on government services, data, open API, public code, and everything that is universal. So this is the infrastructure layer that is industry cover. Within the ministry, there’s teams to coordinate with two underlying administrations. One is the Administration for digital industries, the ABI, which handles like they’re the competent authority for e commerce, vendors, student, also advertisers, sorry, advertisement platforms such as YouTube and Facebook and TikTok, and also like cutting edge AI evaluation, the kind of alignment assemblies we’re doing to counter information integrity threats and so on. So the ADI is for applications, so all the private sector applications of those universal digital technologies, that’s ADI under the Moda also is the ACS, the administration for cybersecurity, which protects, of course, the government and the curriculum infrastructures, but also through the National Institute of Cybersecurity, also all the public listed companies and private sectors and things like that.