And so, I think the U.S. has pretty good cyber diplomacy capabilities. The U.S. has a cyber ambassador at large, I think reporting to the deputy secretary of state. And so that sort of diplomacy, including the private sector in a part of public-private partnership, multistakeholderism and so on, was always part of how the internet was governed. And so, because of this, our ministry doesn’t have a department of international cooperation as other ministries do. Instead, we have a Department of Democracy Network. So basically, we only collaborate with democracies, and we don’t insist on country-to-country relationships. It could be democracy-to-democracy, partner-to-partner, stakeholder-to-stakeholder. We’re very flexible. And we must be because the private sectors, as I mentioned, the public cloud vendors, Cloudflare and so on, are in a sense critical infrastructure provider that we need to partner with. And so, the U.S. has been very helpful in this regard.