By the people closest to the pain. By the people who are suffering and feel outraged. That is not put lightly because when people feel outraged, previously when they had no positional power or they were suffering from hermeneutic injustice or epistemic injustice – if they are suffering from these conditions, then the outrage naturally turns into divisiveness, into hate, into polarization, and into also the fragmentation that the professor just alluded to. So, the natural outcome of outrage is actually solidarity. If you feel that somebody has been wronged, the natural response is to prevent something like that from happening again. It is only when there is no visible recourse to address this injustice do people go to their isolated siloes of hate and discrimination, so the pro-social path is natural, the anti-social path is not, and outrage is natural, too. So, most of the social innovations based on the ideas of fast, fair, and fun are a reliable way to channel outrage into collaborative governance.

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