So the second point is, if you open 健保快易通, the National Health Insurance Express app, it lists everything that the national healthcare has about your card, right? And there’s also a QR code, a virtual card, so you can also use your phone as a card now. And then, because it’s mutually accountable, you can see what’s happening. And if it goes wrong, you can always talk to someone that this is wrong, I’m being wronged by the system, and so on. So always a way of feedback, of redress and so on is important. Even the app itself, the QR code, that’s the virtual card is collaboratively designed with stakeholders in an interactive workshop. So I think that’s the universal healthcare’s main advantage is that it doesn’t leak out of the scope just because some ministers said, let’s add a payment system to it, or whatever. It doesn’t happen. Right? It needs to get widespread stakeholder consensus. And when we run the workshop a few years ago, the consensus is that they don’t want this card to be also a payment system because they don’t want to be tracked by merchants and so on. And because this is the collective will of the stakeholders, when we implement that, it also increase trust.

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