I use a globally recognized example first. I think everybody knew that Google builds upon the Linux movement. If Google has to pay for the operating system license for each and every computer core in their computation center, there will be no Google, right? So, what’s profitable for the operation system industry makes things like Google or cloud computing in general, impossible. And the way to make Google or any other large scale clouds commerce happen is to instead of design applications at that level, to incentivize investment into something like Google, it’s no doubt, right? Everybody knows that it’s investing in the commons that is the Linux or other FreeBSD and many open-source operating systems in which the cost benefit scenario is flipped. The more Google contributes to the commons of Linux, the less maintenance cost it has to absorb itself. And so, because of that, it maximizes contribution to the ecosystem. And that leads to more Linux applications, such as the Chrome Book and the Chrome OS and Android operating system and many more, right? So, that play, that playbook is, I think, globally known by everyone.