That’s by small scale experiments, with stakeholders participating. This is exactly why, for example, we don’t allow e-voting for presidents and mayors. But we’re completely fine using new quadratic voting when choosing SDG priorities for the Presidential Hackathon because we know the risk is very low in the Presidential Hackathon. But a vote fraud for the president or the mayor, the risk is very high. So, in low-risk places, invite stakeholders, make sure that people can participate to suss out the limits, so that we very quickly move beyond the hype curve and into the small, angled slope of growing, right? So, once we are there, then we know exactly how to, as the FDA analogy, to tame the virus of the mind, to make vaccines of the mind so to speak, through deliberation and co-creation. So, my job again is to help the lawmakers and technologists to very quickly move beyond the hype cycle so we’re not captured in false local optimums, captured by the optimizing mindset. I hope that answered the question.

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