Basically, the idea is what we call in mathematics the principle of component analysis. The idea is that if you propose some very radical opinions, a lot of people would vote "Yes" but also a lot of people would vote "No", right? It’s divisive. People who vote similarly, like in Amazon for example, if you shop for a book or for a few books, they learns about your reading habits and recommends the books similar to the books you have read, right? So we do the same but just with the votes on each other’s sentiments, so after you voted for the initial nine questions, you can say maybe none of the these groups represent my true feelings. So it’s like an open questionnaire---it’s like typing, "okay I think this is in doubt," and what you have wrote then becomes a subject for other people to vote on. People are naturally clustered around people who votes similarly, which is how we show your Facebook profile among your friends; and then you may also discovered that your Facebook friends or Twitter friends are actually on the polar opposite of the two-dimensional map; it’s just you never talk about this public policy issue over dinner. But this has two effects: one is that it lets people understand that these people aren’t enemies, they are not just faceless aliens who committed brutal things like we often see in the presidential campaign, right?

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