Certainly! An anarchist is basically someone who believes that people work better if nobody forces anyone to do anything; if people work upon their own volition. I think the long years between 1989 and 1996 basically means that instead of jumping to a direct presidential election and jumping to a direct representation election, people had a lot of time using bottom-up methods. We were doing a lot of community involvement with people at the time, doing a lot of locally based deliberations at the time. So I would say that because of enabling digital technologies, that kind of direct democracy and deliberative democracy grew the same time as representative democracy in Taiwan. This is kind of unique, because in many other countries representative democracy has been around for hundred of years. The deliberative digital democracy only became possible after the invention of personall computers and the World Wide Web. For Taiwan it’s the same, they have the same level playing field. This is why this kind of bottom-up democracy grew with representational democracy. So people in Taiwan naturally believe there is a place for the civil society in the shaping of the political agenda. And this how I define the term "conservative-leaning," meaning conserving what we think is important, like equal access, like human rights, like traditional values, and how they carry into the digital world, that needs to be conserved. Also the freedom of expression that defines the beginning of the internet needs to be conserved into the new century.

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