The author likes the game a lot, so he was curious about it.
They’re wondering if you still play the card game that you became a champion of.
[laughs] You want to make him nervous.
OK. Are there any other instances of either really tough times, or hopeful times that you think kids would either identify with, or learn something from, or just any other?
…or anything that like that?
Are there any other songs that you may be found inspiration from in your teenage years…
That make sense.
Really? OK, wait. I need to cure mine, too.
What did you think when you heard them?
OK. That’s really interesting. I guess you mentioned the Leonard Cohen lyrics, the crack and everything coming in. How old were you when you first heard them? What was the context of your first meeting with them?
Were there any specific ways that they inspired you?
Yeah, that’s awesome. We read in one of the books about you, or one of them, that you spent time with an indigenous group of people
Was there anything else that came out of that trip? How you felt afterwards?
I wanted to ask a little bit about the time you spent in Dubai, when you worked for Tim. We are wondering what kinds of things are on your mind, even on this trip?
That’s been your sense your whole life?
How did you decide to…?
1995 and 2005. OK. How old were you when you started feeling that your gender was different from the way people treated you?
Is there anything else you can tell us about that?
Nice. [laughs]
Switching gears a little bit, you say you had two puberties or something like that. I understand as well. [laughs] We’re wondering when you first fell in love.
Do you have ideas on how you might do that?
Was there anything in the education realm that you’d like to try doing?
Did you feel one of those things more strongly than the other or both?
Yes. Very vague laugh and all that.
When you returned to Taiwan from Germany for surgery, you said that just in case something went wrong, you wanted to die in Taiwan. Also, that you wanted to work on Taiwan’s education system and you…
OK. You say that when you have a different opinion from someone else, you should try to think of things from their perspective to empathize. Is it around also eight years old that you started doing this?
About how old were you when you started to think about these ways of maybe preventing those things?
I see. You are kind of able to forgive them in a way?
Did that actually help?
OK, then a question about during the time you were bullied which we know was a short time overall, but we wonder how you managed to overcome the frustration and any other hard emotions you had…
If there are any that haven’t been translated yet, he’s interested.
We will have to talk to her then. Great, thank you.
A new one?
Was it in one of the books then?
OK, great.
Could we possibly get those?
OK, we’ll take a look at that. We’re also hoping to read some of your poems, especially the ones you wrote as a young person.
Yeah, something simple like that if there’s something.
Yeah, maybe. We’re trying to think of some a theme maybe we could use for a cover illustration, like a flower or an animal?
Are there any things that you liked as a child that you continue to like as an adult?
Makes sense. Did you have a nickname as a child?
What did you feel different from other kids? What did you noticed first of all?
The first question we want to ask, what your earliest memories and in what way you felt different from other kids?
I just wanted to let you know.
OK. We also have the author here, Hiroshi Ishizaki. He is the one listening with my video right now.