All sort of in-kind supports.
We’d love to participate. When you are ready to include Taiwan, then we will work with the…
This is great. This is like establish the norms outside the jurisdictions, and then jurisdictions can accustom ourselves to the new norm. I think that’s the right way. Have the social innovation lead the regulatory innovation, instead of the other way around.
Does it include Taiwan?
An atlas.
…you are working on, I’m very happy to help. You have two or three SDGs.
Anyone who can identify which specific SDG…
Yeah, I’d love to. I’d love to.
I always publish after you publish on YouTube, so that everybody knows it…Even if they didn’t know you, they will read the transcript. They can view the video and discover you and then get in contact with you.
Yeah, sure. I can record a high definition video for you. Just let me know the length and the format, like 4:3 or 16:9.
I will say. It’s fine.
Oh, that’s really something. That’s great. If you have anything that you want me to say, as long as it’s legal, just write me an email. My staff will review for legality, and I will say it.
Oh, great.
If you run an event, then isn’t it the national day? It’s like four-day long vacation.
Yeah, I’ll do a short video, of course.
If it’s the next Saturday, then it’s the annual forum of SE Insight, of 社企流. I will be there in the morning, but I’m free in the afternoon. That’s the following weekend. The previous one, I will be in Osaka.
The previous Saturday? Then I will be in Osaka.
The following Saturday?
It is a Wednesday.
It’s a Wednesday, right?
That’s excellent.
The World Food Day, that’s right.
I know. I’ve read your slides.
Andrew is really also very scalable.
Yeah, that’s another one.
Community’s project.
To have a shared refrigerator and with a good SOP for it to replicate. I think they’re doing OK, and they’re getting more visibility now.
Carrefour basically tried to modularize their SOP, the standard operation procedure. They partnered with, it call itself a bookhouse, but it’s actually a café, so it’s very confusing. I’m sure that they have books there as well.
You’ll probably know that.
I mostly learned about this from the Carrefour anti-food waste project. They have a dedicated project for that. It’s not just in their store, but rather also in bookstores, such as the Housebook60.
Awesome. That’s great.
It’s also in their interest.
Very much so.
That’s the main social innovation. I know that people have been clamoring for a special section for food continuation in the food safety law, but we’re on the last session of the parliament, of this parliament now. It’s very unlikely to introduce new laws. It would probably have to wait ...
I would say that most of the innovations that I’m aware of is around the design of the contracts of how the software reflects the contracts, how to attribute accountability along each way, how to take photos. You probably know more than I know, but there’s many innovations happening in ...
We only have two of those offices, one for food safety and one for cyber security. You know how serious this is. Basically, it really requires a good legal underpinning. It’s not just software code, but also legal code as well, to not run afoul of the food safety issues.
That’s because people collectively lost trust in the institutions to protect food safety some 10 years ago. That resulted in one of the most strict food safety laws. Indeed, within the administration, we have an office dedicated to food safety.
Actually, I think is, is it also Carrefour? It must also be Carrefour who also have this, its own food programs that continues the shelf life. At the moment, it really requires a legal contract for it to happen because of the food safety law here is rather strict.
That’s right, that’s right. No goals left behind.
We use that as the common index.
It’s very rare that if you work for a social innovation and benefit for the whole society that you find your mission not represented in the 169 goals, because original design was, “No goal left behind,” right?
If you can identify with any 1 of the 169…Basically, whenever we have a Presidential Hackathon, for example, you see the cohort looking like this, and each one, a very specific, 1 of the 169.
The social innovators here in Taiwan, we use the SDGs as the common index. There’s 169 different beautiful logos to use.
That case is the most unlikely cases of partnership, the more likely that we give out award to. Those partnership cases, many of them are in the NPO hub, freshly established in Taipei. Maybe you would like to have a visit to the NPO hub and learn from those unlikely ...
They worked on a co-branding campaign. Carrefour started carrying free-range eggs, free of animal cruelty products, and things like that. They work extensively with the association on a co-branding marketing campaign.
And the Taiwan, what do they call it, Animal Society Protection Association, or something like that. An advocacy organization, usually not associated with Carrefour.
We give out award, like the Asia-Pacific Social Innovation Partnership Award, APSIPA, so that we highlight all the cases from the Asia-Pacific for useful collaboration. Like there’s one between Carrefour Taiwan…Carrefour being that market thing.
Then they just start meetings every week. Go to hackathons is my first recommendation. My second recommendation is to look at the social enterprises, social entrepreneur that emerges from those hackathons, that did find impact investment, and to learn about their business models.