Yeah, that would actually hurt both the drivers.
That’s for sure. I wanted to make sure there’s no big gap, or else there will be a period where the driver, themselves...
What we’re trying to do is quickly show that, "Hey, can we find a sandbox somewhere?" We’ll show it to everyone that this will work. That’s what we want to pitch for as well.
With everything that’s happening, we will also want to quickly show that this method works. It’s also having to do with time such as if we go through the whole process, it might take us a month before even test out this pilot of flexible pricing to taxi beyond an ...
We can use the platform and have taxi be part of this, but also, give that flexibility to either give them the up front pricing or have the flexibility before going in and changing all the regulations like a sandbox. Maybe that’s something that we can explore here.
One thing that we’ve seen in other countries around the world is also we would want some sort of pilot. Changing a lot of these to prove that this is effective to using data might take some time. What we’ve done in other countries is, for example, using some kind ...
License something. Without that, all the drivers get taken care of and then left the company itself.
The companies, yes. The companies need to have...Perhaps they should also immediately get some sort of...
Yes. These are the local platforms that were built, because two years ago, we had this business model. It’s very important to make sure that these rental car companies...
I want to address because similar to what Amit here said is, in addition to helping other drivers, a lot of rental car companies also invest into vehicles. That is something that we shouldn’t forget, because they will be added as well.