You are a self-described conservative anarchist, a protestor, an autodidact, citizen hacker. How does your perspective and approach fit in with government, or is the point that it doesn’t?
Thank you for talking me through that. When you were first approached about being digital minister without portfolio, how was that role sold to you?
I wanted to ask you about g0v as well. I guess that was your springboard into government. What were your reasons for getting involved? I suppose you probably answered that in your first couple of questions, the burning questions that you wanted to answer, why you wanted to streak. If ...
Yes, I think great. If you could do, imagine looking back, that you would end up where you’re now is digital minister?
I’m going to start with where you started out really, dropping out of school at 14, and working in Silicon Valley within five years. When you decided to leave school, what were your aim, your career, and your future? What did you hope to achieve?
Yeah, let’s go. I’ve got about 20 questions or so. If you’re happy to do the video with the five standard questions that ask all about interviewees, if you’re happy with that?