Mass Line will implement the most comprehensive cradle-to-cradle passport ever seen for the new giant EEE ships. The cradle-to-cradle passport will identify each and every nut and bolt of the giant, 60,000-ton ships, making vastly improved recycling possible for most materials…
It’s never too late to start doing stupid things.
I want that the money I give for a product brings positive impact toward the society.
It’s that simple, right? The concept of waste will be obsolete. Instead of reducing our footprint, let’s rethink for a positive footprint.
They convert biomass into nutrients, so why shouldn’t we be able to do the same?
A cherry tree makes soil, makes oxygen, and cleans the air. It’s not toxic. It’s not dangerous. All nutrition, and what we do, we make some wrong things perfect, and then they are perfectly wrong.
Look at a cherry tree in spring. Its materials are beneficial. The cherry tree vine makes a handful of cherries, actually. All the materials are designed to go back into a biological system.