I do have a form from NDI in Washington.
We should have done the interview with that in the whole time. That looks great. One, two, three. Nice. Thank you so much.
Last question, Can I just get a photo for the folks in Washington? I’m just going to update the models with our behind the scenes.
My last question for you. How do gender equality and democracy go together?
What do you hope can change in the future regarding LGBTQ rights? A lot has already come forward. What do you personally hope can change going into the future in Taiwan?
How have LGBTQ rights changed in the past 5 to 10 years?
Can you just touch in on the Sunflower Movement? Can you tell us a little bit about why was that important, and how has that helped change things in Taiwan, I suppose?
That can be cool, too.
I might switch back and forth.
You’re making this very easy for me in post-production, because I’ll be, “Oh, I’ve got this in English and in Chinese.” [laughs] Which one would you prefer us to use?
Perfect. Can you tell us a little bit about what you know about Miao Poya , and your thoughts towards her as a politician and being involved in the government?
You can look at me.