That’s what it was?
What was the domain of that search engine?
Because you decided so?
You took it off?
Is it still online?
Is not just for songs?
...which was a search engine for songs.
I read that you launched your own first company...
Having this in mind, what are especially promising startups these days coming from Taiwan?
You can do that.
You can see how that generation is today, how their circumstances were, the conditions under which they grew up, and so on.
Is their generation different? Is it the same thing?
We have about a quarter of an hour left. Yesterday I was talking to the Austrian Trade Commissioner. He said that in order to foster more startup development, one benchmark is the 1970s, 1980s entrepreneurial generation. We want to be like them again.
That’d be great, because it’s very hard to take enough notes and then still be listening. That’s great.
Will it be OK to get those slides? Is it possible for me to get to those slides?
Japanese I do, so sometimes I get the kanji, but then sometimes I don’t.
What are your indicators of success of this vision?
Epoch Foundation, which consists of a number of larger companies. Is this the best approach, to have large institutions supporting the development within their realms?
Epoch Foundation is one example that is quite large, right?
I’ve looked a bit at what is being done, also, from the side of the government to support a startup economy. Some support is coming from the government, of course. Some is coming, also, from industry, from existing large companies.
Now Taiwan is worldwide, very competitive, and quite well known for its hardware production. I would assume that with your vision you’d like to have more software, as well.
Let’s talk about startups and the attempt of Taiwan to foster that economy, right?
Ask Me Anything, have you rejected any of the ideas? Probably a lot, right?
Take it. That’s right.
Can you tell me how you were approached to take over this job?
Regarding policy meetings where you are in and other ministers or other people from the political sphere that would prefer to be not recorded, is there any clinches?
It conquers the tool you would otherwise use for different things.
One more point on this, of course here it’s where document who is saying what. But in the digital sphere, there’s often anonymity as an important characteristic. What do you think about that? Because then you have sometimes more hazard of saying things you wouldn’t otherwise say.
Have you ever doubted this system? Was there ever a point where you thought, "Ah, maybe not so good"?
There’s the case against that, that if there’s a lot of information out there, you can’t separate the important from the unimportant.
If more things are transparent, do you think there might be less potential for scandalousness about not important things?
Not even, although that happens a lot, too. But it was just a private video he had sent to someone. Then it got leaked. It got a big scandal although it was in no way related to politics and to his job. Yet it was a scandal. I wondered why ...
Just thinking about the future, how this might be if this becomes the common standard someday, five years ago or so, just to take an example, there was a scandal in the UK of a politician. I don’t quite remember the case. But I was there. Something clearly private but ...
Obviously there’s some vision of how the world should be behind this. You want transparency.
Is there any case where you would not record?
What do other ministers say about that? I’m sure you talk about this, right?
Thank you very much.
I’ve interviewed a few ministers in different countries. This is the first time. I’ve never seen it before, but it makes perfect sense though.
You’ll send it today...
You’ll have someone writing it down, and then, it’ll go up there?