For example, in your ministry, how many people…?
Is it a bigger budget? Does it cost a lot, this kind of technology?
What could be improved?
Is the goal to implement this into every ministry or?
It’s not necessarily the opposition.
Basically one coming from the government, and two, other stakeholders.
It’s the minimum. Three groups.
Is there a minimum stakeholder number required in order to work?
Is Polis used only for vTaiwan, or other…?
Can you give a specific example for what the media captures, and what’s your consensus about this topic?
OK. I have a question about technology. Is it used to improve the consensus process?
Can I take a picture of this one?
Now, does it mean that you sensor a meme or no?
How to counter the misinformation? because it’s a core problem in Taiwan.
Regarding the efficiency of the work done by the administration, any improvement thanks to the different digital platforms.?
In your point of view, has it helped improving also the image politic and politicians?
Through this program, do you think that citizens are more aware of the image of the open government?
The idea is to…
They don’t have any obligation to participate?
There’s no…
What about PO network ?
Since it’s been implemented, have you noticed any improvement in the way citizens are using this gov, this platform?
Is there a team dedicated to fake news within PDIS?
Is anyone welcome to join?
Can you tell me about the PDIS? The aim and how it works.
It’s OK.
That’s it, I think.
I mean, people can have discussions on social media.
Then, if the government has no obligation to listen to what…
I think this is back to the first question. How does this platform improve the democracy?
I see.
For vTaiwan, do you see anything that could be improved? Some have the feeling that the number of people using this platform is quite low. Anything you can do to make it more popular?
There’s no national will to implement this?
Currently Tainan and Taipei.
About vTaiwan, Fiorella told me that a law has been passed, and the idea was to implement a kind of vTaiwan, but on the local level.
OK. If the president is reelected, is there any goal to make this thing bigger ?