We’re delighted to be here, minister. Many of us have admired all the work that you’ve done over the years in championing democracy, digital resiliency, openness. The technology development in Taiwan is really a case study, I think, for how to build the nation or struggle to grapple with the challenges of technology and democracy in our Schmidt program. We’re really focused on trying to develop technical fluency among some of our law and policy oriented students. And then in reverse, we have a number of terrific stem students who are desiring greater law and policy business ethics fluency. So we bring them together, to focus on strategic technologies and how they’re impacting international affairs. We have a number of students interested in sort of emerging technologies in democracy, how you’re building digital resilience here in Taiwan in particular, maybe lessons from the recent election, the work that you’ve done both on the technical end of cybersecurity, but also disinformation, the influence operations from China, how you identify, how you message, how you’ve gotten through the election to where we are. And sort of, as you reflect on that, I think that’s a particularly important lesson for America. As we are now in the midst of an election year with plenty of influence and disinformation of our election.

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